Your generous donation to Whatcom Chorale helps us bring beautiful choral music to our community.

As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we rely on contributions of all sizes from people like you to keep us singing now and into the future.  We are able to operate thanks to the generous support of individuals and businesses in our extended community. Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. 

Personal Donations

Personal donations are always welcome and appreciated. You can become a supporter of Whatcom Chorale by generously donating to our cause. These donations make it possible for us to buy music, pay for concert venues, and hire amazing musicians and soloists to perform with us. Unless you choose to remain anonymous, your name will be listed in our concert programs. Click below to be redirected to our secure site to make a gift or send a donation by mail.

Announcing the Mary Melquist Legacy Fund

We invite you to donate to the Mary Melquist Legacy Fund. Mary was a beloved member of the Whatcom Chorale and friend to many of its members until  her death in 2016. Mary found great joy in being surrounded by music, sharing gifts with others, and being part of the musical community she loved.

The Mary Melquist Legacy Fund will support the Whatcom Chorale in acquiring new music and collaborating with extraordinary musicians in our community. Mary Melquist Legacy Fund was used to purchase the music for Illuminare, our March 2024 concert featuring a collection of pieces from contemporary female composers, all new to Whatcom Chorale.

Business Sponsorships

We have transitioned from providing glossy printed programs to our audience members to a virtual program that can be accessed on portable devices both before and during the concert. It’s not too late to advertise in the virtual program for upcoming concerts and on our website! Click below to read information about ad prices and sizes, file formats, and deadlines. If you’ve previously advertised with Whatcom Chorale, one of our members will contact you in the fall. Whether you are new to advertising with us or have previously advertised with us, we’d be happy to have a member contact you to answer any questions you may have.

When you advertise in Whatcom Chorale's virtual programs, your ad will be seen at all major Whatcom Chorale performances. In addition, your company's logo and a link to your website will appear on the “Support Us” tab on our website (  We want to give the people who visit our website an opportunity to support the people and businesses that support us!

Other Ways to Give

Sponsor a concert

An additional advertising opportunity for your business is to sponsor a concert! If you choose to make a donation of $1,000 to be earmarked for a concert of your choice, your company’s logo and a link to your website will display all year on our homepage and in our virtual concert program.

If you wish to sponsor a concert as an individual, your name (or anonymous, if you prefer) will be displayed on our website page for the concert of your choice and in our virtual program.

Make a planned gift

Support Whatcom Chorale for generations to come and make philanthropic giving a lifelong commitment. Planned gifts include a bequest in a will or trust, a beneficiary designation from retirement or life insurance accounts, appreciated assets, and real estate or personal property gifts. Financial incentives may apply.

Make an honor or memorial gift

Honor a loved one or respected colleague with a thoughtful gift while helping to bring the gift of music to our community.

Chair and composer underwriting

Chair Underwriters are instrumental in sustaining the organization, making an initial 2-year commitment to honor a member of Whatcom Chorale Symphonia or to support a commissioned work for Whatcom Chorale.

Make a gift of stock

Donating stock may enable you to increase your gift to Whatcom Chorale while realizing added tax benefits. Check with your broker or tax advisor to determine if a stock donation makes sense for you.

Make a gift from your IRA charitable rollover

If you are required to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), you can directly transfer all or part of your RMD to Whatcom Chorale with no taxable income on the transfer.